Fun Google hack with Google Images - The Digital Photography Weblog -
Fun Google hack with Google Images
Posted Sep 30, 2004, 2:43 PM ET by Amit Malhotra
Phillip Torrone continues to amaze us with his photo hacking skills. If you have not already checked out engadget .... here is his latest..
Here’s a fun thing to play around with, if you’re bored at 3am. Most Sony digital cameras start saving photos with the following name “DSC00001.JPG” and a lot of people take these photos and upload them to the web, where the all-knowing, all-seeing Google later catalogs all of them. So by clicking this link you can see the first photo taken by someone with their new camera, this is what it looks like when thousands of Sony cameras lose their photo-virginity.
Update: Bonus fun, IMG_0001.JPG is the equivalent for Canon cameras. So, that will work too. Here’s CASIO, Pentax and Nikon. And one of our readers points out “Using DSC as a search string in P2P programs also works great for turning up things on peoples hard drives they they didnt know they were sharing”.
Where it gets even more interesting is, if you turn off moderate search setting (NSFW) and enter the most generic terms , common names and of course, any potential file name even IMG_0034.JPG.